Other Interview Experiences - 4 (Persistent + Deqode + Barclays + Amdocs + LTI + Capgemini + UBS + Pubmatic + Rakuten)

Other Interview Experiences - 4  (Persistent + Deqode + Barclays + Amdocs + LTI + Capgemini + UBS + Pubmatic + Rakuten)

1) Blockchain Technology

2) What is AI, ML and Deep Learning?

3) What is Big Data Analytics?

4) Exception Handling

5) What is Static

6) What is Final

7) Overloading and Overriding

8) All OOPs concepts like abstraction, encapsulation, polymorphism, inheritance

9) Difference between JDK and JRE

10) What is JVM?

11) Puzzles.

12) Who is your favorite author?

13)What happens when you enter a website?

14) Difference between call by value and call by reference

15) Difference between Having and Where Clause

16) 3rd largest salary from a table...write query

17) Primary Key, Foreign Key..write queries

18) Drop, Truncate and Delete... what's the difference

19) What is Normalization

20) Detection and removal of a loop in linked list

21) What is linked list

22) What is an array

23) Advantages of Java

24) Why do we use R

25) How can we use R to predict something

26) What are the advantages of R

27) Data types in Java

28) Design a traffic control system

29) Knapsack algorithm

30) Write any sorting algorithm

31) What is dynamic programming

32) What is your greatest achievement in life? and why?

33) What happens when a ray of light passes through an object 
which is kept before two slits which are at equal distance from the object

34) If there are three ants on the three vertices of a triangle and they walk only on the edges ....what is the probability that they never meet?

35) How an integer is stored in the memory?

36) Size of an integer in bytes and bits

37) What is Hashing, what are hash functions

38) Can an overloaded method be overrided?

39) Can overrided method be overloaded?

40) Why multiple inheritance is not there in Java?

41) Why pointers are not there in Java?

42) What are transactions in databases?

43) Can you overload the main method?

44) What is the use of ""finally"" block in exception handling?

45) Puzzle : There is 5 L jar and 3 L Jar...and one more jar is given and infinite supply of water is there...how you will collect 4 litres? you cannot throw water outside

46) Puzzle : There is 5 L and 3 L jar and you have to collect 4 L without using a 3rd jar...you can throw water outside

47) Puzzle : There is a monkey who is sitting at the end of a 10 feet pool and he wants to climb up. Each time he climbs 4 feet up, he slides 2 feet down...how many times he will have to climb up to reach the top?

48) Puzzle There are 25 horses and 5 race tracks and you have to find the top 3 fastest horses...how you will find? You don't have anything to measure the timings and all of the race. An you have to do this in an optimal way. So what is the minimum number of races required

49) There are 3 bulbs in one room and the 3 switches are in another room...how you will find which switch is for which bulb? You can go to the room only once...where bulbs are present

50) When we enter a php url...the php page will open or authentication will be required

51) How facebook manages its data?

52) Tell us something which is not there in your CV

53) Describe your projects

54) Study the increment and decrement operators carefully because they confuse you in the interview

55) Swap two variables without using the third one (can be done using arithematic operators)

56) Swap two variables without using the third one and without using the arithematic operators ( can be done using xor)

57) What are the ACID properties

58) How OOP is different from Procedural approach

59) What is the super class of Exception

60) Superclass of Throwable?

61) What kind of errors are there?

62) Name some errors and exceptions

63) Puzzle : Two hour glasses are given...one of 7 mins and another of 4 mins...how you will measure 9 mins


1) Find the distance between any two nodes in a binary tree.
2) Reverse the linked list.
3) Sort the unsorted linked list.
4) Find the triplets with a particular sum.
5) Multi-threading Vs Multiprocessing Vs Multitasking (Practical example)
6) 3 bulbs and 3 switches puzzle.
7) Longest Common Sub-sequence (DP) question.
8) Maximum continuous subarray sum (Kadane's Algorithm).
9) Conflict Serializability and View Serializability.
10) Code for deadlock condition using threading in Java, and how to handle
11) Normalization in DBMS in layman terms, and what is 3NF?
12) Explain about your projects and internships.
13) What was your approach for doing a particular project?
14) Why do you want to work with DB?
15) How would you handle a situation when your team is working really slow?
16) How would you handle a situation when your team is completely stuck at one

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