Interview Experience - 1

Veritas Interview experience 2020-2021:
(All Questions asked in Veritas Interviews) πŸ’»πŸ’»

Selection test: 

Around 20 MCQs on core CS subjects like DSA, OOP, DBMS, CN, OS. Most of them were easy and doable. The test had 2 coding questions of easy and intermediate level (2 pointer approach).

12 people were selected for the
interview rounds which were on the same day.
Interviews were held on Webex.

Interview 1: (Technical interview) - 1:30 hour Tough

Q> Tell me about yourself?
Q> When memory of object is created and about memory storage
Q> References and why to use them?
Q> Difference between pointers and references
Q> static keyword and real life scenario
Q> namespace
Q> dangling pointers ,smart pointers,function pointer,null pointer ,void pointer,pointer to pointer.
Q> overloading v/s overriding
Q> templates
Q> constructors and destructors (can they be overloaded )
Q> latest version of cpp
Q> friend function and where it is used (eg : overload + operator to  add int and x
Q> which is an int type variable in an object ) and real life example.
Q> types of constructors and what types are provided by the compiler in different cases.
Q> copy constructor (shallow copy and deep copy) and problems with shallow
Q> copying (dangling pointers).
Q> abstraction vs encapsulation , real life example , cpp implementation.
Q> virtual keyword and diamond problem
Q> pure virtual functions and abstract classes (why to use them?)
Q> difference between i++ and i=i+1
Q> deallocate memory without using free( use realloc with size 0)
Q> Favourite data-structure,discussion on all ds that i have used
Q> Have you ever opened #include<bits/stdc++.h>
Q> Difference between vector and list
Q> Ds to be used in situation (if data is in stream and output should be in ascending order , least recently used cache , most frequently used cache and others were very basic)
Q> A string in given , find out the max occurring element
Q> To check singly linked list is a palindrome or not (o(n) and o(1))
Q> To find out nth element from the last
Q> To delete a node when a pointer is given (and discussion on why         don’t we use it in general)
Q>  Is it possible to implement Queue using 1 stack?
Q>  Any Questions?(I asked 2)

(Always ask for feedback)

Result:4-5 people were selected

Interview 2: (Managerial interview) - 20-30 minutes Medium-tough (5 mins after my 1st interview)

Q>  Tell me about yourself

Q>  What you like the most and doesn’t like in the recruitment procedure
Q>  Why you choose IT and not CS
Q>  Difference between IT v/s CS
Q>  Technology i have worked on
Q>  Explain any one project and detailed discussion on that
Q>  Which languages i know and in which i am comfortable
Q>  Multiprocessing and Multithreading
Q>  Have you ever seen 2 processes working simultaneously and exchanging data(client-server)
Q>  Inheritance,types,problem with multilevel and solution
Q>  How to get data of one class in other (friend class)
Q>  Do you have any questions for me? I asked him 2 questions

Interview 3: (Managerial + HR interview) - 1:30 hour Medium-tough (30 mins after my 2nd interview) 1 senior person and 1 HR was there.


Q>  2 triangles on 2 parallel lines , which one of them will less time to fill it completely
Q>  Torch and Bridge (gfg)
Q>  Find fastest 3 horses (gfg)
Q>  2 jar one of capacity 5 and other with capacity 3.How will you calculate 7L of water?
Q>  To light a bulb 2 batteries are required.We have 4 defective and 4 correct batteries.Find min number of trials to light a bulb
Q>  Calculate total distance travelled by bee (gfg)
Q>  Tunnel of length l is there .A man is standing at 1⁄4 l from the end and a train is arriving at a distance of x....some other conditions were given and I have to find out the relation between the train and the man’s speed.
(There were some more)

Q>  Asked me to make an empty class and then to make 2 objects of it and ask me what can you understand from this (in terms of memory) (empty class have non-zero memory size to make sure different objects have diff memory location)
++p , ++p , *p++
Const int *p = &a ( what can we change? p or a)

Q>  4 pillars of cpp (Inheritance,Encapsulation,Polymorphism and Abstraction)
Q>  definition,real life example and cpp implementation.
Q>  What are your strength and weakness
Q>  What is your biggest achievement
 10th and 12th score (How i managed to score more in 12th)
Q>  Technologies i have worked on

Behaviour Questions (While working on any project have you ever had a conflict and if yes then how you deal with it? And further questions were based on my

Q>  How was the 1st technical interview?What are the questions you were not able to answer and are you able to answer them at this moment.(Basically they wanted to know whether i searched for the questions i was not able to answer)
Q>  Why should we hire you?
Q>  Do you have any questions for me?

Results: 2 were selected.

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