Interview Experience - 5

TCS - Digital Interview experience 2020-2021:

(All Questions asked in TCS - Digital Interviews) πŸ’»πŸ’»

First technical interview :

1. BE Project idea and details

2. Array rotation code

Given an array 1 2 3 4 5 , you have to shift it left by 2 , ans should be 3 4 5 1 2

(Ans : Reversal algorithm or direct formula)

3. How would you detect a loop in a Linked list ? (Floyd's algo)

4. Puzzle : You have two candles , which can be lit on both sides , if you light it on one side , it takes 60 mins to burn completely , using these 2 candles how would you measure 45 mins ?

5. Puzzle : Given 8 balls , one of them is heavier , you have a legacy balance , how many weighs would you need to find out the heavy ball

Answer : 2

Second technical interview :

1. Have you worked with embedded systems anywhere

2. Find the n th node of linked list from the end in one traversal .

3. Given a number , 1010 1110 , you have to shift all even digit bits to odd places and odd digit bits to even places . For above number answer would be 0101 1101.

4. You have a linked list with some nodes where each node's data occur twice , but there's a number which occurs only once . Can you find the number in one traversal ?

5. Given a structure , how much memory would it actually take internally .

struct s {

bool b ,

char c ,

char *ptr ,

u_int16_t p



7. Puzzle : You have 100 eggs numbered 1 to 100 , each time you smash alternate eggs , which egg would remain at last .

eg . 1 2 3 4 ... 100

After smashing alternate eggs : 2 4 6 8 ..

Next iteration eggs that remain : 4 8 ..

8. What do you understand by a transaction

Third technical interview :

1. Do you know what RTOS is ?

2. Semaphore Mutex ? What are the use cases that you use these both ? Do you only use these for critical section ?

3. Write a code for bubble sort

4. Array rotation again (mentioned in interview 1 )

5. How would you implement cache .. write a code for that ( discussion went on to priority queue and then heap data structure)

6. What is page fault ?

7. How would you ensure that a binary tree is BST ?

8. If you have to design a website like Amazon Flipkart , how would you design it using JSP Servlets ? Each time you want to fetch any image from database , would you always go to the database ?

9. Given a list of cities , find minimum distance between any two cities . Write a code for this .

10 . Primary key and foreign key

11. Indexing , how is it actually implemented ?

12. Google Cloud Platform , saas paas iaas examples

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