Interview Experience - 2

UBS Interview Experience 2020-2021
(All Questions asked in Interview)


Selection test:

Around 20 MCQs on core CS subjects like DSA, OOP, DBMS, CN, OS. Most of them were easy and doable. The test also had one coding question of strings which was of medium difficulty. 18 people were selected for the interview rounds the
next day. Interviews were held on Skype for business and HackerRank CodePair.

Interview 1:
(Technical interview) - 1 hour Tough

● Tell me about yourself?
● Why do you want to join UBS?
● Why do you want to do a technical job, why not managerial or something else?
● Told me to write a code on fibonacci series, both iterative and recursive
● Started going through my resume, had a thorough discussion with him on a ML
project for 15 mins
● What are immutable objects in java, why are they used?
● Is string an immutable object?
● More discussion on immutable objects for about 5 mins.
● What is serialization and deserialization?
● Difference between function overloading and overriding with real world examples.
● Have you used a version control system?
● Started going through my resume again, saw 2 MEAN stack projects and asked for a brief overview of both.Then he asked me about client-server architecture.
● Asked me what happens in the network layer of OSI model in the client-server architecture.
● What is the disadvantage of a GET request
● He asked me why is Node.js highly scalable and when would you use it?
● Have you used Multithreading in Node.js? I said “No, Node.js is single threaded” and explained accordingly
● What if your server receives 1 million requests at a time, how would you handle it? I didn’t have a proper answer for this, I told him whatever I knew but he kept on insisting me to answer more and said how would you handle it if you were to build it, so I gave him an answer and he was happy by that.
● Some more questions on Servers and then computer networks
● Do you have any questions for me? I asked him 3 questions

Interview 2:
(Technical interview) - 1 hour Medium-tough

● Tell me about yourself
● Asked me how was the previous interview
● Detailed discussion about my internship at Persistent systems, how were the
projects and training period, etc etc
● How to delete a node in a BST, asked me to write its code
● Started going through my projects and asked me to explain one of my MEAN stack projects.
● Again asked how does a client server architecture work
● What happens when you write a url in browser (the whole networking process)
● Asked me about the HTTP status codes and had a scenario based discussion on it
(10-15 mins).
● Asked me which REST APIs I’ve used and how did you implement it in
● Explain abstraction and encapsulation with real world examples
● What is indexing in DBMS? And asked me to write its syntax
● Told me to design OLA app (one scenario was given), so we had a 10 mins discussion and she was happy with the explanation.
● Do you have any questions for me? I asked her 2 questions

Interview 3:
(HR interview) - 8 mins Easy

● Tell me about yourself
● How were your technical interviews?
● He asked me to give a brief explanation of one of the projects in my resume
which was really satisfying to complete.
● Why do you want to join UBS? - the most important question
● Do you have any questions for me? I asked him 2 questions
Result: 3 people were selected.

Some tips:

● Study the company’s profile and the work they have done in detail, their recent news, jot down some of the points and use them in the question “Why do you want to join us?”. Have a really proper and unique answer for this question, align your interests and company’s interests together and answer accordingly.
● Study your resume really well, you need to know the finest details of everything on it. I didn’t expect so many detailed questions on Node.js, I was a bit startled by such questions but handled it well.
● Ask very good questions to the interviewer when they ask “Do you have any questions for me?”, this is the time to end the interview on a high note (atleast 2 questions). Do not ask generic questions like “what type of projects i’ll work on” or “what will be my role” etc etc, these all generic questions will be answered in the pre-placement talk by the company. Rather ask questions specific about the 
company or domain specific questions or the company’s impact which might impress them.

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