Interview Experience - 4


ION - Trading

 Interview experience 2020-2021:
(All Questions asked in ION - Trading Interviews) πŸ’»πŸ’»

Round 1:

1) Tell me about yourself...
2) (Not a question) He explained me about the interview process
3) Suppose my friend Sam has to travel for 1hr (just 'to' not 'fro') to board a train everyday to his office, so in the evening, his wife comes to the station and picks him up and drives him home. (This journey for wife is for 2 hours ofc). If one day Sam reaches earlier and decides to walk towards home. After 5 mins he meets his wife and then they go home together from that point so how many minutes did the wife travel?
4) I have a 4*4*4 cube all made of silver. I plate it gold from all sides. Then I cut it so that I get 64 equal sized cubes. So... how many of these smaller cubes have 3 gold faces, 2 gold faces, 1 gold faces, and no gold faces?
5) I have 50 bikes with full petrol tanks and all can travel 100 km individually. I can have anyone drive the bike from any point till another. If I cannot come back to the starting point and I'm only allowed to go forward, What maximum distance can I cover using these bikes?
6) I travel daily from my home to a lake. (Assume n km distance) at 4:05 am I see I have covered n/5 distance from my home. At 4:15, I have covered n/3 distance. when will I reach the lake? how much time will I require for the total journey?
7) Suggest me the best DS for the following case: I have large amount of retrievals and updates but very low insertions.
8) Whats the best suitable data structure for Priority scheduling algorithm? (I answered priority queue)
9) So what is the time complexity of push/pop in priority queue (based on priority push or priority pop)?
10) This time complexity is very high. What other data structure would you suggest? (I answered heap)
11) Why heap?
12) How does heap gives us advantage over other array based data structures?
13) How does heapify work and why heap is best suited for priority scheduling?
14) Do you have any questions for me?

Round 2:

1) (Not a question) A whole big case study was provided and I was asked questions based on it. Questions comprised of several background which would help them decide my direction of thinking.
2) If you want to implement an App for realizing the business presented in case study, Can you draw it's ER diagram?
3) Based on ER diagram can you explain me a Use-case?
4) What database would you use for implementing this application. (I said Firestore and explained it's advantages)
5) Why firestore? A developer can login and delete the whole data and there's no privileged/leveled access to it. Again what other database? (They interviewer directed me towards oracleDB and had me explained it's advantages)
6) When amazon launches phones like one plus T at 1:00 pm, 1M phones are ordered within 10 minutes. Within this 10 minutes, 1M * n requests are made to server so how to handle crashes and DoS? (Distributed server in star topology with one meta server to digitally initialize horizontally scaled servers)
7) How will you digitally initialize? (Server script and/or system software)
8) How would you build that software/what logic will you use to initialize the
ready servers? (rate of change in rate of requests per time, ML, etc)
9) (He then explained how in-house databases require these worked out systems, cloud doesn't require it) Then how cloud handles these changes? (I said I don't know)
10) (He then explained cloud has mechanism that allows it to initialize servers based on amount of CPU and RAM utilized, next question was unrelated to the flow) What tech stacks do you work on?
11) Do you have any questions?

Round 3

1) Introduce yourself
2) Why do I like Automation and AI?
3) What are some popular examples where AI powered Automation? (I answered chat-bots, intelligent cameras but he also expected IIT-bombay degree ceremony)
4) What did you do in your X internship? How many people were there in my team? Tell me about the product. How did you manage time, etc. (And few more questions based on Internship)
5) (He showed me a picture of how Monalisa was being painted using two methods. One ws drawn alike scan-copy and other was utilizing updates at all stages starting with a blue-print which looked like monalisa) Which one is a better approach here and why?
6) Why second one?
7) Why not first one?
8) What is the upper hand in second approach?
9) Does the second one map to some methodology in SDLC? Which one if yes? Explain the main characteristics of that methodology.
10) (He showed me another picture where a tree swing was supposed to be built and each stake holder in the SDLC process had a different understanding of the swing) Why does this problem of different understanding happens?
11) How can we tackle this condition? (I explained rigorous questioning and requirements gathering from customer, formation of SRS)
12) If SRS does everything, does it adapt to changes in the requirements by customer at real time? (I said no) Then SRS appears to be helpful but only for documentation right so how to tackle this situation? (I said maybe the first cycle of
development isn't that useful, we can develop an initial prototype and show it to customer, based on his feedback, we can go for updates)
13) (Not a question) (He said yes that's how we do it. These cycles are important since feedback of previous cycle is best way to determine requirements for next release of product)
14) Do you have any questions

Round 4:

1) Introduce yourself
2) What does your name mean?
3) As you mentioned earlier, how did you cope up with your weaknesses?
4) Why do you think you are best fit to work at ION/ Why should we hire you?
5) Do you have any questions? (I asked how does ION see towards the newly launched tech stack, since new stack for development comes every month)

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