Lab - Manual

SPPU CN-Practicals (TE-Comp)


Lab Expt.
Problem Statement
Part A: Setup a wired LAN using Layer 2 Switch and then IP switch of minimum four computers. It includes preparation of cable, testing of cable using line tester, configuration
 machine using IP addresses, testing using PING utility and demonstrate the PING packets
 captured traces using Wireshark Packet Analyzer Tool.

Part B: Extend the same Assignment for Wireless using Access Point

Write a program in C/C++  for error detection and correction for 7/8 bits ASCII codes using Hamming
 Codes or CRC. Demonstrate the packets captured traces using Wireshark Packet Analyzer
 Tool for peer to peer mode.
( 50% students will perform Hamming Code and others will
 perform CRC)

Write a program  in Java/Python to demonstrate sub netting and find the sub net masks.
Installing and configure DHCP server and write a program (C++\Python\Java) to install the software on remote machine.
Write a program  in C/C++ using UDP Sockets to enable file transfer (Script, Text, Audio and Video
 one file each) between two machines. Demonstrate the packets captured traces using
 Wireshark Packet Analyzer Tool for peer to peer mode.

Write a program in C/C++  using TCP socket for wired network for following

a. Say Hello to Each other ( For all students)

b. File transfer ( For all students)

c. Calculator (Arithmetic) (50% students)

d. Calculator (Trigonometry) (50% students)

Demonstrate the packets captured traces using Wireshark Packet Analyzer Tool for peer to

peer mode.

Write a program in C/C++ to analyze following packet formats captured through Wireshark for wired
 network. 1. Ethernet 2. IP 3.TCP 4. UDP

Write a program in Java/Python to simulate the behaviour of link state routing protocol to find suitable path
 for transmission.

Study of any network simulation tools - To create a network with three nodes and establish a
 TCP connection between node 0 and node 1 such that node 0 will send TCP packet to node 2
 via node 1

Use network simulator NS2 to implement:

a. Monitoring traffic for the given topology

b. Analysis of CSMA and Ethernet protocols

c. Network Routing: Shortest path routing, AODV.

d. Analysis of congestion control (TCP and UDP).

Configure RIP/OSPF/BGP using packet Tracer.

Write a program using UDP sockets for wired network to implement

a. Peer to Peer Chat

b. Multiuser Chat

Demonstrate the packets captured traces using Wireshark Packet Analyzer Tool for peer to
 peer mode

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